About Archival Art Prints



My Archival Pigment Fine Art Prints are produced utilizing only pigment based archival inks, the highest quality, acid free, archival fine art papers, and premium quality, poly-cotton blend artist canvas, which conform to archival standards consistent with collectible fine art. This unique printing methodology results in prints of the highest color detail and durability in the industry, with the widest color range, and longest estimated life expectancy. Adherence to these production specifications is essential for the creation of a true Archival Giclee.

Giclée, pronounced (zhee-CLAY), is a French word (feminine noun version of the verb gicler) meaning that which is sprayed. Giclee prints evolved in the early 1990’s from equipment and processes used for digital graphic proofing in lithographic, and other printing industries. Beginning with a full size, high-resolution digital scan of the original artwork, the fine art prints are individually produced on special, large format ink-jet printers, typically utilizing from 6 to 12 pigment based, archival inks. This process offers the highest quality reproduction possible. The resolution of giclees is much higher than that of conventional offset printing, resulting in a virtual continuous tone image, instead of a visible dot pattern. The detail is incredible; the color is rich and intense, with a broad range of tonal values. The estimated life span of giclees far exceeds that of other methods of fine art printing. Tests indicate longevity of over one hundred and thirty years with no noticeable fade.

As with original artwork, Archival Pigment Prints should be given proper care. Prints on paper should be mounted behind glass, protected from water, and should not be placed in direct sunlight. I include conservation glass on all framed artwork that I offer. A clear coating has been applied to my canvas prints to protect from abrasion, dirt, and harmful U/V rays, and to enhance the depth of the print. The careful treatment of an Archival Pigment Art Print, as if it were an original piece of artwork, is still desirable.

All of my Archival Pigment Fine Art Prints are signed and numbered, and include Certificates of Authenticity.